A pact is for wartime.  A grudge is forever.

The struggle with the ettins may be over, but, for many gods who fought, the price was too high.  Even as the thunder fades from the battlefield, Esyard turns in on itself.

For the first time since rising to power, Woden's kingship is called into doubt.  One by one, his kin turn against him, leaving only those in Midyard on his side.  The fate of Esyard now rests with the world of men, and with two men in particular.

Meet the Stewardsons: a close-knit kindred who keep their business to themselves.  To those who know them, quirkiness comes as standard.  But even they cannot imagine what is about to be asked of them. 

When a brash and cocksure runemaster rolls up at their gate, they welcome him into their pack.  But events in Esyard will soon darken that decision.  Though trust will be hard to come by, they must work together for the good of mankind.  But the good of mankind is of little concern to the gods.

Once more, the towns and fields of Midyard will feel the wrath of those we thought no longer existed.

Runestone Hall is the third book in the Blood of Woden series.  Writing is currently underway, with a release date expected at the end of 2018.  It promises a slight change in focus compared to the two earlier books, with a new cast of characters and a new westward setting for much of the action.