As four worlds clash in the heavens, a fledgling god will be born.

Having drawn the ire of gods, elves and ettins, a beleaguered runemaster finds himself in exile.  With nobody there to restrain him, his lust for his craft takes him over.  Here, at last, in surroundings he could never have imagined, he can claim a prize he could never have dreamt of at home.  In the midst of the fawning faithful, life becomes one long, euphoric twist of fate.

But heavenly power brings heavenly problems.  As those on the ground turn against him, he finds out too late that his runes are unpicking the Earth.  As the fabric of spacetime unravels, the seven worlds begin to bleed together.

In Esyard, the gods make plans for his downfall.  But something comes to light that stops them in their tracks.  Unable to take him head on, they can only bide their time.

When the showdown comes, the true master of Midyard will be revealed.  And, out on the battlefield, a fledgling god will rise.

Never before has Britain witnessed anything like this.

Click on the link at the bottom of the page to purchase your copy from Amazon

Well of Wyrd is the second book in the Blood of Woden series.  It takes its name from the mythical well of Germanic folklore, from which fate was believed to flow.  It was published in 2017 and is available to buy on Amazon.  The cover artwork features another painting by emerging Midlands artist, Luke Lightwood.  Visit to see more of his stunning work.

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