
Lost in Translation: Man

In this series of posts, we look at words whose meanings may not be all they appear.  We begin with 'man', a seemingly straightforward word which has become one of the most contentious in English in recent years.  Yet it wasn't always this way.  Here's why.



Q&A: Edric Hunter

A quickfire question and answer session with the man who would be king (his words not ours).  Favourite places and best features, plus what he really thinks of Kate.  Read on...



The Lands Behind the Legend: Ribe

From time to time, the action in this series leaves the Midlands and heads further afield.  The small town of Ribe, on the west coast of Jutland, is one such setting.  What exactly is so special about this town and why does it feature in a book about six friends from Birmingham?



Real Runes: the Ruthwell Cross

The Ruthwell Cross is Britain's most extraordinary runestone.  If it is as old as they say it is, then it contains the oldest written example of poetry in the English language.  Read on for the lowdown on this outstanding monument and to find out where to see it for yourself.



The Making of a Modern Classic

Welcome to the Blood of Woden weblog!  Through these posts, we delve a little deeper into the culture and folklore that inspired this epic series.  Where can you find real runes?  Where are the lands behind the legend?  What were the Dark Ages really like?  We'll also be posting character interviews, writing tips, news of forthcoming books and snippets on the English language.  Spread the word and enjoy!
